BKK Maker Cities

From 2017 until 2020 I was a board member for non-profit organisation Berlin Kreativ Kollektiv. Our aim was to support Berlin’s small creative business owners by improving their visibility, providing them with education and resources and acting as a representative voice for the community. As Education Manager and later Project Manager, I was responsible for shaping content and attracting speakers and experts for two conferences as well as multiple pop-up shops, workshops and talks. Being involved in the BKK has given me the opportunity to learn so much and to connect with countless amazing creatives. I am very proud of what we have achieved as a small team of dedicated women, and seeing the response to our events and publications was incredibly rewarding.

During our time at the BKK, my colleague Emma Wood and I were able to secure funding from Etsy to conduct a research project called Maker Cities. This gave us the chance to dive deep into the unique challenges and needs of independent creatives in Berlin and led to improved connections with policy makers. We also developed a series of workshops and events in cooperation with local government branches, all aimed at getting small creative business owners the coaching and resources they need most. The concluding project report contains our informed conclusions on how local institutions can best support the Maker community.

My Role

Project Leader


Emma Wood



Berlin Kreativ Konferenz 2018
BKK conference at Colonia Nova
Organisational team for the BKK conference 2018
Maker Cities logo

Annemarie hat mich als Speakerin für einen Workshop “Pinterest Strategien für Kreative” für das Berliner Kreativ Kollektiv gebucht. Als Education Manager und Projektleiterin der Berlin Kreativ Konferenz ist Annemarie meine Ansprechpartnerin gewesen, mit der ich mich während des gesamten Kommunikationsaustausches bestens und kompetent betreut gefühlt habe. Annemarie kuratierte das BKK Programm, den Ablauf, recherchierte alle Referenten, war Ansprechpartner für uns und sorgte dafür, dass es uns während des Events an nichts gefehlt hat. Immer wieder gerne!

Nina Bungers

Pinterest Advisor, Content Creation

Annemarie listening to a talk at the Berlin Kreativ Konferenz 2018
A Maker Cities talk at Moss Keramik, 2019
The Design Jungle pop-up shop, 2017
Gabby Lord speaking at the Berlin Kreativ Konferenz 2018
Annemarie Schumacher

I'm a visual designer and artist, working from my studio in Berlin-Wedding.