to draw is to see

From 2015 onwards, I developed and taught a number of workshops on lettering, illustration, drawing and design under the header ‘to draw is to see’. In the process, I created a collection of drawing exercises, tips, lettering guides and templates. I wanted to be able to make these available to anyone who feels the creative itch but needs a bit of help acting on it. To this end, I set up a small online library containing free resources to help start a creative practice. To me, creating is such an important part of what it means to be human, and I feel that no-one should have to miss out. My hope for these resources is that they will help people overcome their obstacles and start doing what their hearts call them to do. also holds practical information on the different workshops I offer, as well as some articles I wrote on drawing and creativity.

My Role

Teaching, writing, graphic design, web design



Annemarie Schumacher

I'm a visual designer and artist, working from my studio in Berlin-Wedding.